As I've mentioned before on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, many
modern Japanese words sound very similar to their English equivalents. That's because
Japanese 'loan' words (words which are imported from English) are translated using
Japanese sounds to produce the nearest sounding equivalent to the original English word.
Mmm, ke-ki!
Here are some more cool modern
Japanese words, and once again to someone who's never spoken any Japanese it may sound like I'm making these up, but I promise you these are actually real.
To start off with, here are a few random examples...
1) ke-ki = cake
2) miruku = milk
3) chokore-to = chocolate
4) resutoran = restaurant
5) su-pa-ma-ketto = supermarket
6) uirusu = virus
7) mo-ningu ko-ru = wake up call (morning call)
8) pe-pa- tesuto = written exam (paper test)
9) kurisumasu = Christmas
10) rabu reta- = Love letter