Christmas will soon be upon us once again, bringing happiness, joy, and also ... controversy. I've featured
controversial Christmas questions before on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, but there are many more
Christmas related topics that divide opinion.
So with that in mind, have a read of the following controversial
Christmas questions, then vote on what you think is the correct
Christmas trees. A source of joy, happiness, and differing opinions.
1) Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or a plastic Christmas tree?
I've mostly had a plastic tree for Christmas, opting for convenience over tradition. However, if you do go for a real tree, apparently you should check the base of the tree where it's been cut to ensure that the tree is pale. This means the tree has been freshly cut and will last longer.
Now that I've got the advice out of the way, it's time to get down to the important question. Where do you fall on the
Christmas tree debate? Do you prefer a real tree or a plastic tree?