You would think that
jokes that work better when spoken aloud would be a poor choice of subject for a blog post, given that this blog is published in written form. However, the last time I featured a blog post on jokes that work better when spoken out loud, it got a surprisingly high number of page views.
My cold field. (Mike Oldfield)
Legal disclaimer: This isn't really my field. It's just a random photo that I found on Pixabay.
I'm a firm believer in paying attention to your audience, so with that in mind, this week's written blog post features the poorly chosen subject of jokes that work better when spoken aloud.
To compensate for my poor choice of medium, you may wish to read the following jokes out loud in order to enhance your joke reading pleasure. However, if you do, make sure you're not on public transport at the time, otherwise people might think you're a bit mad!
1) I thought I heard Tubular Bells on my farm last winter, but it was just my cold field.
2) I asked a Cambodian what language he spoke.
"Khmer," he answered.
"No, you come here," I replied.