Saturday 23 May 2020

We Come In Peace, and Other Short Stories

My latest book, 'We Come In Peace, and Other Short Stories' was published a few days ago, and as you might guess from the title, it features a collection of light-hearted science fiction themed short stories.

'We Come In Peace, and Other Short Stories'
The latest book from Charles Fudgemuffin.
To promote the book, this week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features a quiz. Don't worry though, you don't need to have read the book to know the answers, as each question is based on the themes from each short story.

1) We Come In Peace

The opening and titular short story of the book features an alien who visits the leader of a planet, so to start things off, here's a question on the subject of aliens.

Three of the following types of alien themed insurance are just silly fictitious policies that I made up, but one of them is real! Which of the following types of insurance can you actually buy?

A) Alien Abduction Insurance
B) U.F.O. Collision Insurance
C) Alien Invasion Insurance
D) Interstellar Travel Insurance

2) The Android

The second story in the collection is The Android, and it follows an android named Andy and his owner Jonathan.

There have been many famous androids, and C3P0 was perhaps one of the most famous of them all. For the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen Star Wars yet, [spoiler alert] C3P0 was a protocol droid who was fluent in many forms of communications. But how many exactly?

A) 2
B) 5
C) 17
D) Over 6 million

3) The Ferociosaurus

"Say cheese!"
The ferociosaurus in the story of the same name is an exotic off-world creature which looks suspiciously like a dinosaur. The story is set in the future, but this next question is a question about the past.

Before the first dinosaur fossil was unearthed, nobody knew that dinosaurs even existed. But when was the first dinosaur fossil discovered?

A) 1066
B) 1645
C) 1822
D) 1957

4) For The Greater Good

For the avoidance of doubt, I should point out
that the evil authoritarian in this photo is the
man in the painting, not the man on the bridge.
He's just some dude standing on guard.
In 'For The Greater Good', Emperor Ozmar is the evil authoritarian leader of the planet Norko who extends his own life via a medical process which involves syphoning the blood of his younger citizens (resulting in their deaths).

I initially therefore considered including a question on evil communist dictators, but ultimately decided it was too much of a downer. So instead, here's a question on blood.

On average, how many red blood cells are in one pint of human blood?

A) 7
B) 42
C) 159 million
D) 2.4 trillion

5) The Boy With Two Heads

Editor's note: "Charles, you've given the game away!"
Charles: "Not necessarily. The photo might be a red herring."
If you need your tonsils removed, the surgical procedure to remove them is known as a tonsillectomy. Other similarly named surgical procedures include a nephrectomy to describe the removal of a kidney, and a pnemonectomy to describe the removal of a lung.

But what body part is removed in a cephalectomy?

A) The head
B) A fingernail
C) A tooth
D) Hair

6) Never Work With Children Or Animals ... Or Psychopathic Violent Criminals

Unfortunately, we were unable to find any photos
of a psychopath, so instead here's a photo
of a level headed perfectly sane dude.
According to the title of this next short story, you should never work with children or animals or criminals.

However, sometimes an animal can also be a criminal as well! At least that's what the people of Basel claimed back in the fifteenth century. As ridiculous as it sounds, in 1474 a rooster was put on trial in the town of Basel!

But what was the 'crime' the rooster was accused of?

A) Foul language.
B) Crossing the road.
C) Tax evasion.
D) Laying an egg.

Editor: "Is this another red herring, Charles?"
Charles: "Maybe. Maybe not. You'll have
to check the answers to find out!"

7) The Darkness And The Light

On Earth a day lasts for twenty four hours. However, not all planets have such conveniently lengthed days, especially not in science fiction.

The planet featured in The Darkness And The Light is known as Solmurk, and one day on the planet Solmurk lasts for one hundred and twenty four Earth years!

Getting back to reality, which planet in the Solar System has the longest days?

A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Jupiter

8) Ranieri And The Eight Planets

Eight planets.
Due to contractual reasons,
we are unable to show a photo of Pluto.
The 'eight planets' in the title of this short story refers to the fact that Pluto lost its planetary status in 2006 when it was reclassified as a dwarf planet.

However, Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet in the Solar System. In addition to Pluto, there are currently four other IAU recognised dwarf planets in the Solar System, but do you know their names?

A) Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po.
B) Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael.
C) Paul, John, George, and Ringo.
D) Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea.

Scroll down the page for the answers...


"We come in feet."

1) We Come In Peace

Which of the following types of insurance can you actually buy?

A) Alien Abduction Insurance - Correct
B) U.F.O. Collision Insurance
C) Alien Invasion Insurance
D) Interstellar Travel Insurance

Incredibly, a London based insurance firm has allegedly sold over 30,000 alien abduction insurance policies! If you wanted to make a claim, how would you provide proof?

2) The Android

C3P0 after a cephalectomy.
Editor: "Charles, you've definitely given the game away now!"
Charles: "It's okay. It's too late to change their answers now anyway."
How many forms of communication was C3P0 fluent in?

A) 2
B) 17
C) 42
D) Over 6 million - Correct

As he's very fond of pointing out, C3P0 is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Award yourself a bonus point if you can name them all!

3) The Ferociosaurus

When was the first dinosaur fossil discovered?

A) 1066
B) 1645
C) 1822 - Correct
D) 1957

The first dinosaur fossil was discovered in 1822, so it's amazing to think that as recently as two hundred years ago nobody on Earth was aware of the existence of dinosaurs!

4) For The Greater Good

"Oh no! He's lost some of his 2.4 trillion blood cells!"
"Relax, he's just a potato. The figure of 2.4 trillion
relates to human blood, not potatoes."
On average, how many red blood cells are in one pint of human blood?

A) 7
B) 42
C) 159 million
D) 2.4 trillion - Correct

I was quite shocked to discover that there are 2.4 trillion red blood cells in one pint of blood! Wow! That's even more than the number of forms of communication C3P0 is fluent in!

5) The Boy With Two Heads

A boy with two heads.
What body part is removed in a cephalectomy?

A) The head - Correct
B) A fingernail
C) A tooth
D) Hair

To be fair, it's obviously a theoretical procedure rather than a real surgical procedure.

In fact the only purposes I can think of for the word 'cephalectomy' are when used in weird science fiction stories, or for tricking people with sneaky questions!

6) Never Work With Children Or Animals ... Or Psychopathic Violent Criminals

"Me!? A criminal!?
Is this some kind of joke!?"
What was the 'crime' the rooster was accused of?

A) Foul language
B) Crossing the road
C) Tax evasion
D) Laying an egg - Correct

As ridiculous as it sounds, apparently, a rooster was put on trial for the 'heinous and unnatural crime of laying an egg'. Apparently, the people of Basel were concerned that the egg was spawned by the devil and therefore might contained a cockatrice, i.e. a two headed dragon with a rooster's head.

After extensive research, I have been unable to find out whether their assumptions regarding the contents of the egg were ultimately proved correct.

7) The Darkness And The Light

Which planet in the Solar System has the longest days?

A) Mercury
B) Venus - Correct
C) Earth
D) Jupiter

Venus has the longest day in the Solar System with days lasting for the equivalent of 243 Earth days! Unusually, a day on Venus lasts longer than a year on Venus, with a year lasting a mere 224.7 Earth days.

Jupiter actually has the shortest day in the Solar System with one day lasting for only 10 hours. Imagine that. By the time you got up, it would almost be time to go straight back to bed again!

8) Ranieri And The Eight Planets

The Beetles.
Paul, John, George, and Ringo.
What are the names of the four other IAU recognised dwarf planets in the Solar System?

A) Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po.
B) Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael.
C) Paul, John, George, and Ringo.
D) Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. - Correct

Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po are of course the names of the Teletubbies! Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael are the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (and also famous painters). Paul, John, George, and Ringo are the names of three dudes I used to work with, and a type of UK snack made by Golden Wonder.

That leaves Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea as the names of the four other dwarf planets in the Solar System.

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How did you do? How many questions did you get right?

6-8   You're an expert on questions related to the short stories featured in 'We Come In Peace, and Other Short Stories'!
3-5   Not bad. A decent performance, but there's room for improvement.
0-2   Must try harder! Think yourself lucky that this is just a daft quiz on the internet, rather than an important test with serious repercussions for your future and career!

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'We Come In Peace, and Other Short Stories' is the latest book by Charles Fudgemuffin, and is available from Amazon for kindle.

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