Saturday 25 June 2022

Nerd jokes (part (4x8)-(5x5))

If you've solved the sum in the title, then you'll know that this week's blog post is nerd jokes part 7. If you haven't solved the sum in the title, then you'll know anyway, because I've just told you!

A nerd, pictured three days before overmorrow.
Anyway, here's another batch of jokes with a nerdish theme to them...

1) There are three types of people in the world.
Those who can count, and those who can't!

2) The teacher gave us homework and said she wanted us to show that we understood fractions... I only did half of it.

3) Criminal: "I didn't do nothing!"
Police officer: "A-ha! So you confess?"

4) This is an arial view of White Island...

Obligatory font joke.

5) You know what seems odd to me?
Numbers that aren’t divisible by 2.

6) I was an accountant from the age of 20 to 30 but then I was fired for no reason.
What a waste of 14 years that was!

7) How did the hipster chemist burn his hand?
He picked up his beaker before it was cool.

8) Longer opening hours...

9) A recent survey discovered that out of 1,493,739,625 people, 99% are too lazy to actually read that number.

10) I asked the librarian if they had a book about Pavlov's dog and Schrodinger's cat.
They said it rang a bell, but they weren't sure if it was there or not.

Nerd jokes have featured quite often on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog. Here are some previous blog posts featuring nerd jokes:
Nerd jokes (part 5)
Nerd jokes (part 6)
A Merry Christmas message for nerds!

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