Saturday, 22 February 2025

Misleading thumbnails

This week's blog post is based on a theme which no doubt readers will have come across on many occasions. It's a quiz based on misleading thumbnails!

A clue to the theme of this week's blog post.
In fact I would imagine you've probably read so many quizzes about misleading thumbnails that you're probably quite sick of them by now. However, if by any chance you aren't yet sick of misleading thumbnail quizzes yet, then you're in luck! Because there's another such quiz below.

All you have to do is take a look at the thumbnails below and guess whether the description is true or false. If you think it's false, you can also earn an extra bonus point if you can work out what the photo really is.

And there's no cheating by zooming in! Remember, the FBI are secretly monitoring everything you do, so they'll be able to tell if you're cheating.

Anyway, without further ado, let's get straight on with the quiz.

1) Scary spider

Anyone of a squeamish disposition should look away now! That's because the first thumbnail is a photo of a scary spider! I'm no arachnologist, so I'm not sure what type of spider it is exactly, but whatever variety it is, it certainly looks deadly!

But is it really a scary spider, or could it perhaps just be a deceptively misleading thumbnail?

True or false?

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Liars caught in the act (part 2)

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes a look at the socio-economic impact of the introduction and subsequent widespread adoption of advanced artificial intelligence technologies on the global labour market.

Actually, no, it doesn't. That was a lie. Oops, caught in the act!

By a stroke of luck*, what this week's blog post actually takes a look at is other liars who were also caught in the act.

* To tell the truth, it was obviously deliberately contrived, rather than luck.

1) Wall liar

So ... it would seem you can't drive through the wall after all.

Credit: imgur

False advertising regarding the tangibility, or alleged lack thereof, of the wall.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Captcha memes and jokes (part 2)

If any robots happen to be reading this, then I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Unfortunately, you won't be able to read this week's blog post, as it features several captchas.

The good news for any humans reading this, however, is that you won't have to waste time filling out annoying captcha tests, because the captchas featured below are all just silly memes!

1) Star Wars captcha

The Cantina in Star Wars had a 'No Droids' policy, so this next captcha would have been perfect for them.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Guess the band or song

Sadly for fans of music, the Grammy Awards take place tomorrow, an event where fake talentless sell-outs all give themseves a big undeserved pat on the back.

However, although I'm not a fan of the Grammys, it does nevertheless provide the perfect excuse to feature a cryptic music quiz on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog!

Take a look at the following visual clues and see if you can guess the name of the band or song that the picture is based on.

Disclaimer: All of the bands and songs are from decades gone by, so if you're a young person then you may need to ask an old person for some help with some of the clues.

1) 80s band

To start things off, this first photo is a clue to a rock band from Sheffield who were popular in the 80s.

Editor: "What?"
Charles: "I said, 'This first photo is a clue to a rock band from Sheffield who were popular in the 80s."