Saturday 22 June 2024

10 music jokes (part 5)

National Music Day falls on June 21st and it's become something of a tradition on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog to mark the occasion with a collection of musically themed jokes.

I'm not sure who this belongs to, but it's
definitely not Elvis, as he returned his.
1) Me: "I've just seen Elvis in B&Q."
"What was he doing there?"
Me: "Returned a sander."

2) Can you imagine how much permanent damage we'd have done to our arms if the Village People had called it the GHZB.

Credit: @TheNewsAtGlenn

3) Noel Gallagher went to a world heritage site in Cambodia and was told by a buddhist monk not to turn around and look upon the temple as he left.

"Don't look back in Angkor," he said.

4) Rage Against The Machine never specified which machine they were angry with, but I reckon it was probably a Windows laptop.

It appears that everybody was indeed kung fu fighting,
at least in this photo.

5) Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting!?

6) I thought I heard the spring onions singing Bee Gees songs in my fridge, but when I opened the door it was just the chives talking.

7) I would like to congratulate my niece on passing her mouth organ music exam.

Well done our Monica.

8) I'd love to live in a world without plagiarism.
You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

Credit: @robertwlk

A lion sleeping, pictured tonight.

9) What's the Levellers favourite note?
B flat.

10) At any given time, the urge to sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight is never more than a whim away.

A whim away, a whim away...

Credit: @PunsAndOneLiner

You can find more music jokes below:
10 music jokes (part 3)
10 music jokes (part 4)

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