Saturday 15 June 2024

Top tips for parents

I occasionally like to feature silly top tips on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, and as tomorrow is Father's Day, this week's batch of top tips are all aimed at parents. Please note, the following tips are not meant to be taken seriously. That said, some of them do contain a grain of truth.

Breakfast cereal, ideal for anyone looking for a high sugar diet.
(Excluding Shredded Wheat, which has no sugar.)
To start off, here's a parenting tip that most parents can probably relate to...

1) If your kids suddenly start getting along and are nice to each other for no reason, be very, very suspicious.

Credit: @Cheeseboy22

2) Find out what cereal you don't have by asking your kids what they want for breakfast.

3) Avoid being accused of favouritism by knowing the names of ALL your children.

Mr. Snow

4) Dads. Piccadilly Circus is likely to be considerably busier than two or three people coming into a room.

5) Prepare your children for Game of Thrones by ending every Mr Men book with 'and then he dies'.

6) Encourage your children to practise their musical instruments by making important phone calls.

Credit: @mommajessiec

7) Grouping your child's initials closely in the alphabet will make their life easier when entering arcade machine high scores.

Alternatively, you could hang your kid's artwork on the fridge.
Just like Mr and Mrs Da Vinci!
8) If you wear white, your kids will have muddy hands.

9) Feel guilty about throwing your kids artwork away? Just give it to a grandparent as a gift, and make them do it.

Finally, here's a tip for kids...
10) Kids. If one of your parents says no, try the other parent!

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