Saturday 21 September 2024

The Idiot Awards (part 6)

A wise man once said, "If you make it idiot proof, someone will just make a better idiot!"

Judging by some of the idiots featured in this week's blog post he was right, because this week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog hosts the sixth edition of the Idiot Awards.

1) Pizza idiot

The first idiot award goes not to whoever wrote the message on this pizza box, but for whoever needed such a message.

"Open box before eating pizza."

If you could eat the pizza without opening the box, that would be pretty impressive!

2) Inflation idiot (part 1)

I'm the first to admit I'm not very mechanically minded, but even I can recognize that this obviously isn't the most efficient way to inflate your car tyres!

"Hmm, how shall I inflate my tyre? Shall I drive my car next to the air machine? No, I've got a better idea! I'll remove the tyre and carry the tyre across to the air machine!"

3) Inflation idiots (part 2)

Sticking with the subject of inflation, this next tweet is technically accurate, but still nevertheless rather a foolish argument.

To clarify, the tweet is sarcasm. She's mocking the idiots who pushed this idiotic argument without realizing how idiotic they were being.

Respect to Lyn Alden for mocking the idiots who don't understand how inflation works.

"If we factor out the prices that are going up, inflation is actually low."

Or to put it another way, if we ignore inflation, inflation is actually low!

On a related note:

"If we factor out the millions of unemployed people, unemployment is really low!"

4) Idiot bankers

Banks nowadays are generally keen to encourage customers to opt out of receiving paper bank statements, presumably to save paper. However, this next bank kind of defeated the object, because they sent one customer 28 letters to confirm that he had opted out of receiving paper statements!

28 letters.

"Thank you for doing your bit to save paper. Also, here's 28 letters thanking you for saving paper."

5) Research idiots

Most research nowadays has a strange (and also suspicious) tendency to produce the results that the people funding the research were hoping for.

However, there is nevertheless still some research which can produce useful results. For example, did you know that breathing helps you live longer?

"Is breathing a good thing or a bad thing?"
"I'm not sure. Let's do some research to find out."

Wow! Who would have guessed? Well, thanks to this extremely useful research I'm defintely going to put my new found knowledge to good use and start breathing to help me live longer.

Editor's note: "To be fair, I think they meant that breathing properly helps you live longer."
Charles: "Yes, I know, but that's not as funny."

6) Smurf idiots

Two foolish Smurfs.
Finally, this last Idiot Award goes to the two Smurfs who were 'stuck' in this cage. They're clearly much skinnier than the gaps between the bars, so why didn't they just walk out!? Ha, ha! What a bunch of idiots!

Editor: "Actually, Charles. A bunch would imply that there were three or more Smurfs. As there are only two, you should have referred to them as a couple of Smurfs, rather than a bunch of Smurfs."
Charles: "Oops! It looks like the last Idiot Award goes to me!"

Anyway, I presume their conversation after they were imprisoned went something like this:

"Oh, no! We're stuck in this cage where the gaps between the bars are clearly much bigger than the width of our bodies! How will we ever escape!?"

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That's it for this week. There are many more idiots in the world though, so I'll no doubt feature another round up of idiots at some point in the future.

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Disclaimer: All awards are intended in a good natured manner. Everyone in the world is an idiot at some time or another*, so the next time that inevitably happens to you, remember that it's always good to be able to laugh at yourself.

* Even readers of the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, who are generally highly intelligent!

You can find more Idiot Award winners below. Or if you prefer heroes, or even hypocrites, then we've also got you covered.
The Idiot Awards (part 5)
The Hypocrite Awards
The Hero Awards

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