Saturday 7 September 2024

Amusingly confused (part 2)

Confusion can be annoying, but it can also at times be amusing. So with that in mind, this week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog highlights another selection of amusingly confused examples.

1) Confusing sign

To start things off, here's a sign that could potentially lead to confusing amusement.

Credit: imgur

Dancing sandwiches.

"Wow! Dancing sandwiches! That sounds impressive! I never knew sandwiches could dance!"

Editor's note: "Charles, I don't think the sandwiches are actually dancing. I think the sign meant to say 'dancing' and 'sandwiches' as two separate items."
Charles: "Yes, I know. I was just pretending to be confused to go along with the theme of this week's blog post."
Editor: "Oh, right! Sorry!"

2) Confusing pregnancy

Here's an amusing story about a confused four year old boy:

I showed my 4 year old a picture of me when I was 9 months pregnant and I said, "Look you were in mommy's tummy in this picture."

He looked at it for a minute and very seriously asked, "Did you eat me"?

Credit: giraffian

3) Confusion or exaggeration

I suspect this next reply was deliberate confusion, but I found it amusing all the same.

Miley Cyrus visits London.
Or Kilometery Cyrus as she's known in Europe.

Miley Cyrus: "Loved meeting everyone in London today."
Elliot: "There is no way you have met everyone in London in one day."

I agree with Elliot on this one. There are approximately nine million people in London, and there are 86,400 seconds in a day, so she would have to meet 104 people every second!* There's no way! That's just not possible!

* TheyDidTheMath

I suspect Miley Cyrus has been stretching the truth somewhat.

Editor: "Charles, I don't think Miley Cyrus meant she had literally met everyone in London. I think she meant she enjoyed meeting everyone that she met while she was in London."
Charles: "Yes, I know. I was just pretending to be confused again to tie in with this week's blog post theme."
Editor: "Oops, sorry!"

4) Confused ants

Why are baby ants confused?
Because all their uncles are ants.

5) Confused Celtic shirt

Here's an online conversation from someone called Justin who wanted to buy a Celtic shirt without a name on the back...

For sale: Celtic shirt. Ideal for anyone with the surname 'Blank'.

"I want to order the home shirt with number 10 on the back with no name, but it won't let me as the 'Name' box is a required field. Any way around this? Would I be able to place this order via email? Thanks, Justin."

"Hi Justin, no problem. Just write, 'BLANK' plus your number so the team know not to print a name."

Presumably the Celtic store team assumed his name was Justin Blank!

6) Confused idiot

How do you confuse an idiot?

Editor: "I don't understand?"
Charles: "Exactly!"

7) Confusing website

This next website asks a confusing question regarding age.

"Are you under the age of 18?
If under the age of 18, please state why."

Because I was born less than eighteen years ago and that's how age works.

Charles: "Hey Editor, that's the wrong type of 'plug'."
Editor: "The confusion never ends!"

8) Confused Charles Fudgemuffin

Finally, here's a true story of confusion from my own childhood...

When I was young I was a big fan of Plug (a character from the Beano comic), so I filled in a form to join the Plug fan club. The form asked a few personal questions, and these were my amusingly confused answers to two of the questions:

Eyes: "Two"
Hair: "Lots of"

Apparently, it turns out they were asking what colour your eyes were, rather than how many eyes you had! In my defence, I was only about five or six at the time.

You can find more amusingly confused examples below:
Amusingly confused (part 1)

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