Saturday 5 November 2022

Amusingly confused

I'm confused. No ... wait! Maybe I'm not.

In all seriousness, I'm not actualy confused. That was just a silly way to lead into this week's blog post which features examples of people who are amusingly confused.

1) Picture, Picture, On The Wall

To start things off, presumably this first amusingly confused person has never heard of mirrors...

"Why do you have a framed picture of your ceiling fan?"

2) Won, Too, Free

The number of people who confuse to and too is far two high!

3) Chicken Seizure Salad

It's always fun to experiment with variations on traditional recipes.

"Gonna make chicken seizure salad."

4) Taboo Trades

I went to the pet shop and said, "I'd like a pet kitten for my daughter."

"Sorry, we don't do swaps," the assistant replied.

5) Confusingly named

"I said my name was Marc with a C."

I'm Charles with a C. Charlec.

6) Free The Laughter!

I will never understand why manslaughter is illegal. Men should be able to laugh at whatever they want.

7) Let Your Colour Thrive

I always thought Theresa May was a politician, but apparently according to this next amusingly confused person, she's actually a shampoo!

To be fair, Tresemme couldn't do a worse job of being Prime Minister than any of the actual corrupt traitorous Prime Ministers during my lifetime.

8) Twist In The Tail

Some people get confused if a sentence does not end the way they giraffe.

9) Fire Alarm Fail

Finally, to whoever fitted this smoke alarm, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to enter the date, not the location...

Installed on: The ceiling

That's all for this week, but there's a lot of confusion out there on the internet, so maybe I'll feature another 'Amusingly Confused' compilation in a future blog post.

Autocorrect can sometimes unintentionally be a source of confusion:
Stupid autocorrect!

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