Saturday 24 August 2024

A list of lists

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features some of my favourite lists. And as there's several of them, that makes it a list of lists!
Worcestershire Sauce, pictured yesterday.

1) List One

The three hardest things to say:

1) I was wrong.
2) I need help.
3) Worcestershire sauce.

2) List Two

Top three ways to tell your wife she's just like her mother without her getting upset:


"Nothing beats money back on non-runners."

"Yes! It's a non-runner! I've had my money refunded!
Hurray! This is the best day of my life! It's a dream come true!"

3) List Three

My top three moments in my life are*:

* According to Ladbrokes.

1=) The birth of my child.
1=) My wedding day.
1=) That time I had a bet on a non-runner at Cheltenham, and I got my money back.

4) List Four

My top three unimaginative words are:

1) Waterfall
2) Fireplace
3) Lamppost

Credit: Will Parkhouse

5) List Five

Apparently, this next list was spotted in The Prince pub in Brixton.

Things I hate:

1) Vandalism
2) Lists
3) Irony
4) Lists
5) Repetition
F) Inconsistency

Legal disclaimer: Please note, the Charles Fudgemuffin blog does not condone vandalism or graffiti. My list of things I don't condone would be as follows: 1) Vandalism, 2) Graffiti, 3) Corrupt globalist influenced media. Not necessarily in that order.

6) List Six

There are three unwritten rules in life:


'Kapow' narrowly edges out 'biff' and 'thwack'.

7) List Seven

My top three words used to describe a superhero hitting a villain are:

1) Kapow!
2) Biff!
3) Thwack!

8) List Eight

Finally, to round things off, here's a serious list of things to be grateful for...

1) Early wake-ups = Children to love

2) House to clean = Safe place to live

3) Laundry = Clothes to wear

4) Dishes to wash = Food to eat

5) Crumbs under the table = Family meals

6) Grocery shopping = Money to provide for us

7) Toilets to clean = Indoor plumbing

8) Lots of noise = People in my life

9) Endless questions about homework = Kids' brains growing

10) Sore and tired in bed = I'm still alive!

If anyone knows who originally shared this list then please let me know so that I can link to them.

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My short story, 'Wagon Wheels, Star Wars Memorabilia and the Nice Ham', lists three things in the title:

1) Wagon Wheels
2) Star Wars Memorabilia
3) The Nice Ham

It's available for kindle from Amazon.

I usually end each blog post with a list of related posts. However, this is my first blog post on lists, so instead here are a couple of random blog posts:
Smiley faces in things
Funny supermarket photos

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