Saturday 25 May 2024

Smiley faces in things (part 2)

It's only a few days until National Smile Day*, so to celebrate this week's blog post features another collection of pareidolia themed smiley photos.

* May 31st.

1) Smiley vertebrae

This is vertebrae C6. Look how happy it is to support you every day!

Credit: Orlando Science Center

On a related note, I'm thinking of removing my spine.
It's only holding me back.

Legal disclaimer: Not really. It's just a silly pun. #PleaseDontTryThisAtHome

2) Smiley house

How much for a smile?
No charge. This one's on the house.

Credit: reddit

On a related note, my mates are convinced my house is haunted.
They're wrong, though. I've lived here for 475 years and not noticed anything strange.

3) Smiley twig

Not only is this twig smiling, but it's so happy that it's also raising its arms in celebration.

Credit: imgur

"Hurray! I'm a twig!"

4) Smiley bread

I'm guessing this bread wouldn't be so happy if it knew it was about to be eaten.

"What's that? You're going to eat me? Oh, that's brilliant! I'm so happy! My purpose in life is about to be fulfilled!"

Editor's note: "Looks like you were wrong, Charles."
Charles: "Even a working clock is wrong twice a day."
Editor: "I don't think that's quite how the saying goes."
Charles: "Well there you go, then. That's twice I've been wrong today, which just proves me right!"

5) Smiley forest

The award for the best smile has to go to the lumber company owner, David Hampton, who created a giant smiley face in his forest. He planted different breeds of tree in a smiley pattern, so that once the trees grew they created a smiley face!

Credit: @HamptonLumberCo

When asked about it, he said, "I just did it to make people happy."

6) Smiley birds

Finally, to round things off, here's a smile from three birds and a rainbow.

Credit: @_kofidan

"If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain."
~Dolly Parton

You can find more smiley faces below:
Smiley faces in things (part 1)

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