My latest book '
Planet Of The Teddy Bears' was released this week, so to promote it, this week's blog post features a selection of teddy bear memes, teddy bear jokes, and random teddy bear facts.
Planet Of The Teddy Bears by Charles Fudgemuffin
1) The world's largest teddy bear
Have you ever wondered how big the world's largest teddy bear is? Then wonder no more!
The world's largest teddy bear is a massive 55 foot tall, and is located at the Exploration Place in Wichita, Kansas.
To help you put that into perspective, a bowling lane is approximately 60 foot long, so it's almost as tall as a bowling lane is long!
So if you were planning on buying it, then I hope you've got a very big house! Also, I hope you're prepared to be disappointed, because the Exploration Place probably won't sell it.
Discaimer: Apologies to anyone who hasn't ever wondered
how big the world's largest teddy bear is. I'll try
to more accurately predict your teddy bear themed
wonderings when coming up with future facts.