Saturday 20 April 2024

Paradoxes (part 3)

When I was younger, I was fascinated by Ascending and Descending by M.S. Escher which shows a paradoxical image of a perpetually rising staircase. Admittedly, you probably don't care about my childhood fascinations, after all, I'm just a random stranger on the internet! However, it does give me a way to lead into this week's blog post, as this week I feature another round up of light-hearted paradoxes.

Why did Pinocchio's nose never grow 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot!

1) The Pinocchio Paradox

If Pinnochio said his nose was about to grow, would it?

2) The Dog's Dinner Paradox

If you make a complete dog's dinner of your new pet food recipe, has it been a success or not!?

3) The Procrastination Paradox

If you come in last in a procrastination contest because you procrastinated, does that make you the best or worst at procrastinating?

4) The Restroom Paradox

This next paradox includes bonus random capitalisation...

"Public restrooms are not available to the public."

Perhaps it would have made more sense to simply call them 'restrooms' then?

5) The Envelope Paradox

No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery.

6) The Multiverse Paradox

If the multiverse theory is true, then there's a universe where it isn't.

7) The Error Message Paradox

Something about this next error message doesn't quite add up...

"Task failed successfully."

Apparently, the phrase 'task failed successfully' is used by programmers to describe a failure with unexpected upsides, so whoever wrote that paradoxical message wasn't crazy after all!

8) The Football Commentator Paradox

Here's a football themed paradox from Garth Crooks...

"They deserved to win today, but they didn't deserve to score."

Do you understand how the scoring system in football works, Garth?

Eight dollars.
That's how rich I'd be if I had a dollar for every girl
in the world that didn't find me attractive.

Not really. That was just a joke. In reality, I suspect
I'd have quite a bit more than eight dollars!
At least I hope I would! Or do I?

9) The 'True And False' Paradox

The bottom sentence is false.
The top sentence is true.

10) The 'If I Had A Dollar' Paradox

If I had a dollar for every girl that didn't find me attractive, they'd eventually find me attractive!

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Time travel is a subject which thows up many paradoxes, and it's also the theme of my short novella 'Ranieri and the Eight Planets' available for kindle from Amazon.

You can find more light-hearted paradoxes in my previous blog posts:
Paradoxes (part 1)
Paradoxes (part 2)

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