Saturday 30 December 2023

Alternate universe

When you consider some of the things that have gone on in the world over the last few years, you could argue that we're already living in an alternate universe!

Anyway, this week's blog post features a round-up of 'alternate universe' themed photos and observations.

1) Chips and soda flavour soap

To start things off, here are a couple of unusual items found in an alternate universe bathroom.

Mountain Dew bodywash and Doritos face wash.
Credit: imgur

Although I can understand the novelty appeal, why would you want your face to smell like nacho cheese doritos?

2) Spider switch

Why did the alternate universe Spider-Man do so well on his driving test?

He was an excellent parallel Parker.

3) Confused condiments

Hellman's ketchup and Heinz mayonnaise? What madness is this!?

"Real ketchup. Sweetened only with honey."
Credit: reddit

I do actually love honey, but I'm not sure how well it would go with ketchup.

And I can't help wondering, why do they both feel the need to state 'real' on the label? 'Real' ketchup and 'real' mayonnaise. Are there some companies out there selling fake ketchup and fake mayonnaise?

A rich man from the olden days driving a car.

4) Alternate history

100 years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars.

Today, everyone has a car, and only the rich have horses.

5) Roles reversed

Speaking as a man, I'm glad that I live in the current universe, and not the alternate universe pictured below...

Credit: Fun Substance

6) Grapes vs. Jaffa cakes

Here's an alternate universe conversation I overheard in Aldi one day when I was shopping:

Young kid: "Yes! Look, Dad! Grapes! Dad, can we get some grapes?"
Dad (grumpy voice): "No, I haven't got £2 to waste on grapes. There's some Jaffa cakes in the house. You can have some of them when we get home."

You would think it would be the other way around, with the kid wanting the sugary junk food and the parent trying to persuade their child to eat healthy food instead.

7) Alternate pizza

Finally, here's a controversial question from an alternate universe:

"Is pizza an acceptable pineapple topping?"

Credit: imgur

This would be a cool novelty item to serve at a buffet, and I'm sure it would get a lot of curious people giving it a try. To make it even better, you could also add tiny tomatoes and tiny ham.

Other weird blog posts:
The truth is stranger than fiction
10 weird websites

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