Saturday 6 May 2023

10 password memes and jokes

You probably think I'm making this up, but the first Thursday every May is World Password Day! So in honour of World Password Day, here are a few jokes and memes on the theme of passwords and internet security...

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog
celebrates World Password Day.
1) Here's a conversation* I had with the priest when I was at a funeral the other week...

Me: "Can you tell me the wifi password please?"
Priest: "Have some respect for the dead!"
Me: "Is that all lower case?"

* Not really. That was just a made up fictitious claim to lead into the joke.

2) Change your wifi password to '2444666668888888'.

Then when somebody asks what it is, you can tell them it's '12 34 56 78'.

3) I can totally relate to this next meme...

4) Apparently you can't use 'beefstew' as a password.

It's not stroganoff.

Unfortunately I didn't have a photo of eight stars,
so here's a photo of billions of stars.
5) Here's a password themed tech support conversation...

User: "I can't get into the computer system."
IT Support: "Are you sure you're using the right password?"
User: "Yes, I'm sure. I copied the same password that my colleague used."
IT Support: "Can you tell me what the password was?"
User: "Eight stars."

6) I tried changing my password to "14days", but the computer said it was two week.

7) Good luck trying to use the wifi at this internet cafe!

"Wifi is only for geniuses."

8) Lots of people use their kid's name as their password.

On an unrelated note, I love my son jHuWe2%!lk*#WjJ5.

9) I just tried to change my password to 'The Last Jedi,' but my computer wouldn't let me. It said there were too many useless characters.

Never use your pets' names for your passwords.
(Any excuse to include a pug photo!)
10) Finally, on a serious note, here are some tips for creating strong passwords:

* Never write your password down.

* Don't use your kid's names, birthdays, anniversaries or pet names.

* Use complex passwords containing miscellaneous letters, numbers, symbols.

* Email your passwords to me Charles Fudgemuffin and I'll keep a hold of them for you in case you ever need a reminder.

I usually end each blog post with a few links to similarly themed previous posts. However, this is my first blog post on the subject of passwords, so instead here's a clever wifi hack that lets you use any password protected wifi connection:

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