Saturday 16 April 2022

The first rule of Fight Club is...

As I'm sure most people are aware, the first rule of Fight Club is 'you don't talk about Fight Club', but what about other clubs? What are their first rules?

Cat: "What's the first rule of Tortoise Club?"
Tortoise: "The objects of the club are to promote humane behaviour
towards tortoises by promoting best practice for tortoise care."
Cat: "Sorry, it was just a joke that backfired.
I didn't realise there was an actual Tortoise Club."
Read on to find out...

1) Cat Club

The first rule of Cat Club is...

You don't meow about Cat Club.

2) Thesaurus Club

The first rule of Thesaurus Club is...

You don't talk, chat, discuss, converse speak, gossip, deliberate, or confer about Thesaurus Club.

3) Hobbit Club

The first rule of Hobbit Club is...

There's no Tolkien about Hobbit Club.
This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes a look at various clubs.

Editor's note: "Charles, that's the wrong type of club."
Charles: "Oops, sorry!"

4) Gossip Club

The first rule of Gossip Club is...

Tell all your friends!

5) Mute Club

The first rule of Mute Club is...

You don't talk about Mute Club.

6) Rebel Club

The first rule of Rebel Club is...

Always break the first rule! #Paradox
If I was a postman, I'd be fine with a dog
barking at me if it was as cute as this dog.

7) Dog Club

The first rule of Dog Club is...

You always bark at the postman.

8) Vacation Club

The first rule of Vacation Club is...

No we are not there yet!

Credit: @sweetmomissa

Thanks to my advanced photoshop skills, nobody will ever
realise that this originally wasn't a Rick Astley themed photo.

9) Rick Astley Club

The first rule of Rick Astley Club is...

You know the rules and so do I.

10) Condescending Club

The first rule of Condescending Club is...

...really kind of complex and you probably wouldn't understand it even if I explained it to you.

You can find more light-hearted rules and laws in the blog post below:
Light-hearted laws, theories, principles and effects

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