Saturday, 1 March 2025

Random movie silliness (part 2)

It's the Oscars this week, so that makes it the perfect time to feature another round up of movie themed thoughts, memes and jokes.

1) I suspect that everyone in the left lane has seen Final Destination.

Credit: Magic Beans

2) I once played a pantomime horse along with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He was very insistant that I was at the front...

3) If someone tells you that you look like an elf, you should check whether they are a fan of Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter.

Credit: reddit

Sidney: "You remind me of an elf."
Muriel: "Oh, what a lovely compliment!"

...or is it?

4) I can't find my Gone In Sixty Seconds DVD.

It was here a minute ago!

5) Here's a promotional photo from the first Fast And Furious movie.

Credit: @LloydLegalist

On a related note, they just announced the title of the tenth Fast And Furious movie.

It's called...

Fast 10: Your Seat Belts.

6) I watched Benjamin Button again last night.

Good film, never grows old.

7) I wonder how the Brady Bunch managed to get access to Zoom in the 70s?

Credit: @MediocreJoker85

8) What's that mouse called again from Stuart Little?

9) Here's an amusing, but technically accurate, description of The Wizard Of Oz found in a TV guide.

Credit: @Ren

"The Wizard Of Oz: Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets, then teams up with three strangers to kill again."

10) I've just watched a movie about a pig with no eyes.

It's PG.

You can find more movie related blog posts below:
Random movie silliness (part 1)
Lost in translation: Chinese movie titles

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