A rather entertaining website I recently discovered is the
InspiroBot website which randomly creates 'motivational quotes' with accompanying images.
Once in a while you will find a genuinely motivational quote, or a deep quote that gets you thinking. However, most of the time the quotes are just utterly bizarre, some of them are outright lies, some are simply evil, and some are actually
I've compiled a few examples below to illustrate the kind of 'inspirational' quotes that Inspirobot comes up with, and to start things off, here's one quote which I definitely agree with.
1) "Publicly endorse books."
Horse 1: "Why do you think that photographer is taking our photo?" Horse 2: "Probably for a motivational quote about books, no doubt."
Some estimates say that over 2.2 billion books are sold every year, so I'm happy to report that this is a quote that many people agree with.
However, I'm not sure how the horses tie in with a quote about books!
Charles Fudgemuffin rating: Good adviceThat was a positive quote to get the ball rolling, but not all of Inspirobot's quotes are quite as inspirational...