Caution: If you're a liar, then please don't read the following information!
"Come on in! The water's perfectly safe!" |
According to a poll conducted by the London Science Museum, the most common lie told by men is...
'I didn't drink that much'
...and the most common lie told by women is...
'I'm fine. Nothing's wrong.'
Today is officially Honesty Day* so hopefully today there won't be
any lies told. However, here's an account of a falsity themed incident which happened when I travelling on a tour in Africa several years ago.
* Or is it?**
** Update: Actually, it's next week. Never trust anything you read on the internet! Apart from on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog of course, where I always own up to my bluffery.
The tour had taken us to the Ssese Islands*** in Uganda, and on one swelteringly hot day, several of us wanted to go for a swim to cool off. However, the water by the shore was filled with reeds, and the tour guide had warned us that the presence of reeds could potentially mean a possible risk of catching bilharzia.
*** That's not a spelling mistake. That is actually how you spell it.
For anyone who isn't an expert on horrible tropical diseases, bilharzia is a chronic disease caused by parasitic worms released from infected snails. I'm no expert, but my non-expert advice would be 'try not to catch it'.