Saturday, 25 January 2025

The funny side of history

A wise man once said, 'Those who fail to learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.'

With that in mind, this week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes a lighthearted look at history with a collection of history themed memes and jokes.

1) Here's an ancient photo that proves that the ancient Greeks were terrible at loading the dishwasher.

Credit: memedroid

"Perhaps try standing a bit closer, Discobulus"
Discoblus: "But where would be the fun in that?"

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Monsters and goblins

My latest short story 'The Venus Gargantua' was recently released for kindle, and the cover (pictured below) gives you a brief idea of what to expect.

The story features an evil monster, and a village of goblins, so to stick with that theme, this week's blog post is on the subject of monsters and goblins.

1) At what time did the monster eat the Prime Minister?


2) Why do goblins have big ears?

Because Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom.

3) Apparently, Bigfoot can grow up to twelve feet.

But they usually only have two.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Bitcoin true or false quiz

Bitcoin was first launched almost 16 years ago, on 12 January 2009, so to celebrate its anniversary, this week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features a true or false quiz based on the theme of bitcoin. Some of the followingsilliness.

See if you can guess which is which...

'Bit' coin.
1) Only 21 million bitcoin can ever be produced.

True or false?

2) The image to the right shows what a bitcoin looks like.

True or false?

3) Bitcoin was invented by Bob Bitcoin.

True or false?

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Happy new year! (2025 edition)

I know I'm a few days late, but I'd like to wish an extremely happy new year to all readers of the Charles Fudgemuffin blog!

Or if you're not a regular reader, and you just somehow ended up here randomly by mistake, then I also wish you a moderately happy new year, I suppose.

A popular new year's resolution.
Anyway, to start the year off on a new year theme, here's a round up of tips, facts and jokes loosely related to the new year.

1) This year my new year's resolution is to finally go to the gym...

...and cancel that membership I wasted my money on last year.

2) Top tip for dad joke lovers:

Order a takeaway at 11:59pm on New Year's Eve, and when it arrives say, "Do I get a discount on this, because I've been waiting since last year!"