Tongue in cheek reviews found online...
Internet reviews are a great way of praising excellent products or warning of less than great customer service. Sometimes though, as well as being informative, many reviews are also entertaining. Here's a selection of reviews found on
Amazon which made me chuckle...
1) What a bargain!
Unfortunately I don't own an 85" TV so I had to
make do with this photo of an 18" TV instead. |
First up is a review of a top of the range cutting edge
85" Samsung TV. Yes, that's right ... an 85 inch screen! As you'd expect for such a large TV, the price is also quite large, and the TV clocks in at a few dollars under forty grand! ($39,997.99 to be precise.) It's a great TV, but at such an exhorbitant price there may be financial implications for anyone buying one, as highlighted by this first review:
"This TV is fan freaking tastic!!!! We are now living in the box it came in but even that is roomy and quite comfy!!!!"
Perhaps the first reviewer should have paid attention to the wise words of the following helpful reviewer who travelled back from the future to leave some very useful advice:
"I am coming back from the future to write this review, and to let
everyone know you can buy this TV for $699 in 2015. It still looks great
I suspect the bit about travelling from the future may actually be made up, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 2015 price turned out to be true.