The Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes a look at some of the unusual subjects and questions people discuss on the internet.
A few months ago I featured a post on some of the
weird forums found on the web and paid particular attention to a thread discussing pencil sharpeners. There are many more forums discussing surprising subjects, however, so I figured it was time for another post on some more of the weird forums found on the internet...
Top advice on credit cards, mortgages
and, of course, potatoes. |
As most people are aware, is a useful website to consult if you're
looking for advice on how to save money when selecting such items as a credit card,
bank acccount or mortgage. However, their advice doesn't stop there. They also offer useful advice on how to save money when buying...
no lie ... there's a forum on Money Saving Expert which deals with
potatoes! And incredibly, how to save money on your potatoes appears to
be a very popular discussion indeed because at the time of writing it
stretches to 13 pages!
In fact one particular forum user found it so helpful that they commented: