It's only a few weeks until
Christmas, so that means it's time for part two of my nostalgic trip down memory lane as I look at more toys found on lists to
Santa from years gone by. Once again, I've included the decade when the toys were first released, or the decade when they first achieved popularity, but of course the best toys are timeless, so don't be surprised if you associate some of these toys with a different era...
1950s - Slinky
Loved by kids around the world for its period of oscillation,
according to Wikipedia. |
The simplicity of the Slinky toy made it a hit
through the generations, and it's still going strong today. In fact
incredibly, over a billion Slinkys have been sold worldwide since it was
first invented! I could list any number of interesting facts about
Slinky, but here's one from
Due to the forces of gravity, a Slinky bunches up at the bottom because:
p(n) = L(n-1)^2
Fascinating! And did you know that the period of oscillation of a dangling slinky is:
T = 2/pi/sqrt{/frac{m}{k}}
Wow! Amazing! Although to be honest, that one was fairly obvious, so it probably didn't need pointed out.