Saturday, 1 February 2025

Guess the band or song

Sadly for fans of music, the Grammy Awards take place tomorrow, an event where fake talentless sell-outs all give themseves a big undeserved pat on the back.

However, although I'm not a fan of the Grammys, it does nevertheless provide the perfect excuse to feature a cryptic music quiz on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog!

Take a look at the following visual clues and see if you can guess the name of the band or song that the picture is based on.

Disclaimer: All of the bands and songs are from decades gone by, so if you're a young person then you may need to ask an old person for some help with some of the clues.

1) 80s band

To start things off, this first photo is a clue to a rock band from Sheffield who were popular in the 80s.

Editor: "What?"
Charles: "I said, 'This first photo is a clue to a rock band from Sheffield who were popular in the 80s."