Superhero fans will know that a new Deadpool movie comes out next week (July 26th, 2024, to be precise). Technically speaking, Deadpool isn't really a
superhero, he's a villain who became so popular that Marvel decided to loosely convert him to a 'hero' for financial purposes.
Deadpool. A former villain turned ... still a villain, really.
However, even though Deadpool isn't really a
superhero, I've nevertheless decided to use it as an excuse for another round-up of random superhero related thoughts.
1) A dubious moral of the story
Most superheroes ganied their power either from an accident or they
were born with them. Most villains gained their power from having
extreme intelligence or years of hard work.
What message are Marvel and DC trying to teach us?
2) Green light for crime
The Bat Signal basically tells every
criminal in Gotham that Batman
is going to be busy, so the best time to commit a crime would be while
the Bat Signal is on.