Saturday, 29 June 2024

Stating the obvious (part 2)

When I feature a follow up blog post on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, I generally label it 'part 2'. That's because it's the second instalment, and part 2 comes after part 1, therefore I call it part 2.

You might be thinking that's obvious. Why did I bother explaining something as obvious as that?

Well, the reason is because this week features another collection of 'stating the obvious' examples, and I like to practice what I preach!

1) Obvious marriage

To start things off, here's an amusingly obvious headline...

"Couple gets married during wedding."

You have to wonder, did whoever wrote this headline know how weddings work? Of course they got married! That's kind of the whole point! What else are they going to do during a wedding?

In other news, man eats food during meal.

Saturday, 22 June 2024

10 music jokes (part 5)

National Music Day falls on June 21st and it's become something of a tradition on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog to mark the occasion with a collection of musically themed jokes.

I'm not sure who this belongs to, but it's
definitely not Elvis, as he returned his.
1) Me: "I've just seen Elvis in B&Q."
"What was he doing there?"
Me: "Returned a sander."

2) Can you imagine how much permanent damage we'd have done to our arms if the Village People had called it the GHZB.

Credit: @TheNewsAtGlenn

3) Noel Gallagher went to a world heritage site in Cambodia and was told by a buddhist monk not to turn around and look upon the temple as he left.

"Don't look back in Angkor," he said.

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Top tips for parents

I occasionally like to feature silly top tips on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, and as tomorrow is Father's Day, this week's batch of top tips are all aimed at parents. Please note, the following tips are not meant to be taken seriously. That said, some of them do contain a grain of truth.

Breakfast cereal, ideal for anyone looking for a high sugar diet.
(Excluding Shredded Wheat, which has no sugar.)
To start off, here's a parenting tip that most parents can probably relate to...

1) If your kids suddenly start getting along and are nice to each other for no reason, be very, very suspicious.

Credit: @Cheeseboy22

2) Find out what cereal you don't have by asking your kids what they want for breakfast.

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Strange combinations

Some things go together like a horse and carriage. For example, love and marriage.

Other things go together like oil and water. This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes a look at
some of those oil and water combinations.

1) Funerals and potatoes

To start the ball rolling, here's a business which offers a strange combination of services.

Funerals and potatoes.

Sidney: "I'm just off to Henry's funeral"
Maureen: "Get some potatoes while you're there."

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Silly multiple choice quiz (part 2)

Let's starts this week's blog post with a multiple choice question:

Can you tell me what national day it is today?"

A) National Multiple Choice Day
B) National Fudgemuffin Day
C) National Heimlich Maneuver Day
D) No, I can't.

The correct answer was C. However, if you didn't know the answer, then D was also technically correct.

An image created by AI.
However, even though today is National Heimlich Maneuver Day, and even though National Mutiple Choice Day isn't even a real thing, I'm nevertheless feeling in a rebelious mood! So for this week's blog post I've decided to feature another silly multiple choice quiz featuring a selection of random silly questions!

1) Artificial 'intelligence'

First up, take a look at this image pictured to the right which I created using AI. Can you guess what the prompt was that I used to create the image?

A) Hot air balloon floating over the mountains.
B) Beautiful waterfall surrounded by flowers.
C) Colourful scene from nature with flowers in the foreground.
D) Clever idiot.