During my travels around the world, I've discovered several interesting expressions from backpackers of various nationalities. One of my favourites is a
Chinese saying involving strawberry blancmange, an industrial strength vacuum cleaner, and a Peter Stringfellow mask, but that's one that should probably go unmentioned.
However, most
sayings from around the world can definitely be mentioned, and I've collected five of my favourites below for your international expressional pleasure.
1) "Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week."
This cat's going to be really busy tomorrow. He'll probably have to drink twice as much milk!
At first glance, I assumed this Spanish saying was an amusing way of saying
that they procrastinate a lot in Spain.
However, apparently it's not
intended to encourage laziness, and it's actually intended to do the opposite. It's basically a way of saying, "Do it now! Get stuff done today!
Otherwise if you keep putting things off you'll just be twice as busy
On a related note, three weeks ago it was National Procrastination Day. Time to celebrate!