Saturday 25 February 2023

The Hero Awards

To quote a famous, super hero, 'Not all heroes wear capes.'*

* Sadly, judging by some of the comics I've read recently, many of those wearing capes nowadays have become villains.

Some heroes are regular people, just like you and I!*

* To clarify, I'm not saying I'm a hero. I'm saying I'm a regular person. I don't want to appear boastful.

I've sometimes highlighted idiots on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog in the semi-regular Idiot Awards, but as well as the world being filled with idiots, thankfully it also contains a large number of heroes.

So to redress the balance, this week I hand out a selection of Hero Awards to deserving winners.

A seatbelt, pictured yesterday.

1) Car heroes

Most corporations nowadays are obsessed with profit, sometimes at the expense of public health or even public life, so it may seem unlikely that a corporation would ever be even remotely deserving of a Hero Award.

However, when Volvo invented the seatbelt back in 1959 they made the patent free for all car manufacturers because they believed that the lives saved by the seatbelt were more important than profit. So congratulations to Volvo for winning the first ever Hero Award!

Nils Bohlin was the Swedish engineer who invented the seatbelt for Volvo, so he also deserves a Hero Award. However, unfortunately he died in 2002 so I'm afraid he's no longer around to receive his award, but nonetheless, a big thank you goes to Nils Bohlin for the millions of lives saved by his invention!

2) Football heroes (part 1)

Credit: @FootballFunnnys
Footballers and football fans often get a bad press, but at the 2022 World Cup, Japanese football supporters stayed behind after their matches to clean up the stadiums! The Japanese team itself also left the changing rooms in immaculate condition.

Top respect.

I experienced a similar level of respect for cleanliness when I went to the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka. In England, smokers sometimes throw their disgarded cigarette butts on the floor, but in Japan they don't even throw their cigarette ash on the floor!

When the fans in the Suzuka crowd wanted a cigarette, rather than flick their ash on the grass, they would get out their portable ashtrays (kind of like a purse that opened up) and flick the ash into their portable ashtrays, then take their portable ashtrays home with them to dispose of the ash!

Once again, top respect. For their exceptional attitude towards cleanliness, the Japanese fans definitely deserve a Hero Award.*

* But they'll have to share it between them. They're not getting one each.

Editor's note:
"Charles, I didn't realise the Hero Awards were actual real physical awards?"
Charles: "They're not, but that's besides the point."

3) Upside down hero

Some heroes perform ground-breaking acts which change the world or save millions of lives. Other heroes aren't quite as ground-breaking. They simply perform small acts of kindness which make a positive difference in the lives of others.

On that note, this next Hero Award goes to a pet owner who made a really thoughful act of kindness for their dogs...

If you're thinking their front door looks a bit weird, it's because they hung it upside down so that their puppies could look out the windows!

4) Football hero (part 2)

Onions, pictured for no particular reason.
**shifty eyes**
People are often quick to criticize modern footballers, and in many cases that criticism is justified. However, here's an example of a good deed by an unsung hero which didn't make the spotlight, but which is thoroughly deserving of a Hero Award.

It's an act of kindness by Ben Foster when he was the Watford goalkeeper.

"Mu uncle's dad was at the Watford game last weekend. He's been a season ticket holder for like 60 years. He's 80. Early sufferer of dementia now, so he's going to have to stop going soon. He left the ground, went to start his car. Flat battery. Don't know why, but he thought he would walk 10 mile home. Gets down this dark dual carriageway. Falls over down into a ditch. Car pulls over to help him. It's Ben Foster, his wife and his dad. Said they had seen him about a mile back and they all said something didn't seem right him walking on his own in the dark, so they came back round to find him and he was lying in the ditch. Took him home, cleaned him up. Asked what he's doing for Christmas and he's welcome to theirs if he's going to be alone. Ben said he would sort his season ticket for next season if he can still go."

Credit: @Diorcv

The story first appeared on twitter, and the original tweet summed it up perfectly:

"Not enough positive stories get published about sports stars but take a minute to read this and appreciate the kindness of Watford's Ben Foster and his family. Amazing."

5) Apple hero

These apples look very happy that Tom Brown
is doing his best to preserve them!
Nature nowadays has sadly been weaponized by globalists and corporations in the pursuit of their megalomaniac goals, but there are still some genuine heroes who do their bit for nature. This next Hero Award goes to a genuine conservationist by the name of Tom Brown who made it his mission to rescue over 1,000 lost varieties of apples.

I love growing fruit and veg, and although I don't have an apple tree, I love trying new varieties of various fruits, so top respect to Tom for helping to ensure the survival of more apple varieties than I ever knew existed!

6) Phone hero

Finally, in these uncertain financial times, it's nice to see Lenovo doing their bit to help customers with what I'm sure you'll agree is a very impressive sale on two of their phones...

Lenovo are slashing prices! #Heroes

That's a massive saving of £20 from the usual price of £119,998,80 down to £119,978.80! Wow! What a reduction!

Be quick, though. Because I'm sure at those prices they'll sell out fast!

This is my first round up of the Hero Awards, but if Idiot Awards are more your thing, then check out my previous blog posts:

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