Saturday, 27 July 2019

Surprising statistics (part 2)

I've featured surprising statistics before on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, so it should come as no surprise that this week I round-up another batch of surprising statistics!*

* For clarification, the statistics themselves may be surprising, but my inclusion of those statistics in this week's blog post shouldn't come as a surprise.

"Have you farted?"
"No, it's just the obnoxious spray from my scent glands."
To start things off, here's a surprising statistic about farts!

1) Parp!

Every second, over a million people in the world fart!

The average person farts 14 times per day, and there are approximately 7.7 billion people in the world.*

* At the time of writing.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so if we assume that a typical fart lasts for 1 second or less, than an average person will fart during 14 of these 86,400 seconds.

So the number of people who fart each second is:

14 farts / 86,400 seconds x 7,700,000,000 people = 1,247,685 farts every second!

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Funny supermarket photos (part 2)

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog pays another visit to the supermarket as we take a look at various supermarket signs and labels...

1) False advertising?

I don't know what type of maths the makers of this fruit juice used, but it's certainly different from the type of maths I learned when I was at school.

Dubious claims from this fruit juice maker.

"100% juice" ... contains 27% juice. Huh!?

Saturday, 13 July 2019

“Craig Bellamy has literally been on fire!”

This week I revisit one of my favourite subjects as I round-up another batch of amusing quotes from sports stars, politicians and celebrities who have used the word 'literally' incorrectly. So if you're one of those people who literally gets on your high horse whenever people misuse the word literally, look away now.

For reasons of decency, I decided to base this photo
on the second quote, rather than the first quote.
For added effect, I literally like to imagine an image of each quote as I read it...

1) “The Liverpool defence have literally been caught with their trousers down.”
…Andy Townsend

2) “He’s literally sold the defender a dummy.”
...Jamie Redknapp

3) "Why should any of us literally take food out of the mouths of children?"
...Sen. Barbara Boxer

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Funny Amazon reviews (part 2)

It's a few years since I last featured funny Amazon reviews on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, so here are a few more silly reviews found on Amazon...

1) Senior woman with asthma inhaler

First up, here's a review of a highly desirable top quality product which surely everybody will want to own...

"Hmm what should we put on the wall?"

"My husband and I have been arguing about what to fill the large wall on the stairs with for months, he wanted a mirror, I wanted a large image of an old woman using an inhaler.

Of course I won."

A mirror!? Her husband sounds like a right weirdo! What kind of freak would put a mirror on a wall!?