Some people are very hard to please...
Previously on the Charles Fudgemufin blog, I've highlighted a selection of gushingly enthusiastic music reviews with confusingly stingy ratings. It's not just music reviewers who give harsh review ratings, so this week I've decided to look at a few similarly stingy reviews focusing on TV shows, movies, and first of all books...
1) Withering Tights by Louise Rennison
Withering Tights: "The most hilarious book ever!"
3 stars. |
I'm a big fan of Louise Rennison's 'Angus' books, so I was interested to read this extremely enthusiastic review of her new 'Tallulah Casey' book...
"...this book is insane. It could have easily killed me with its hilarity,
and to be entirely honest it might just be the most hilarious, most
ridiculous book I've ever read. I wish I read this when I was younger -
I'd have loved it! Or well ... it could have easily killed me then. It's
just too funny! 3/5"
So just to recap, the 'most hilarious book' you've ever read...
...3 out of 5?
A book so funny it could have killed you...
...3 out of 5?
A book
which is so amazingly hilariously funny it has the potential to kill,
and yet you give it only 3 out of 5? Seriously!? 3 out of 5!?