This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features a
higher or lower quiz covering a variety of random topics, such as germs, volcanic lava and Lego. For each question see if you can guess which of the two choices is the highest, but bear in mind that some of the answers perhaps aren't always what you would expect...
1) Bacteria at work
One of the most germ-free places in the house, apparently. |
If you were to examine a square inch on a typical toilet seat and compare it with a square inch on a typical work desk, which would have the most germs?
A) Toilet seat
B) Work desk
Surprisingly, a toilet seat is vastly more
hygienic than a workdesk. A square inch would typically contain a mere
50 microbes on a toilet seat, compared with a massive 10 million microbes on a workdesk!
According to Dr Gerba, "It's
(toilet seat) one of the cleanest things you'll run across in terms of micro-organisms. It's our gold standard. There are not many things cleaner than a toilet seat when it comes to germs."
That may be true, but I still wouldn't fancy doing my work on a toilet seat!
A) Toilet seat - 50 microbes
B) Work desk - 10 million microbes - Most germs
Disclaimer: Despite the low germ count, Charles Fudgemuffin does not recommend eating your dinner off your toilet seat!