The Broof Pirate, happy to help with all your facebook questions...
Most pirates carry a pirate sword like this one pictured,
but the Broof Pirate instead carries a bottle of Broof. |
In the past on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog I've featured a few
daft childish pranks to play on facebook, and once again I thought I would mention an amusingly childish facebook prank. Most people will probably find this extremely childish, and also a bit surreal, so it'll only appeal to people who are extremely immature and easily amused, like myself for example.
The prank involves a link shortener to disguise the actual website link, and the link is The 'InfoPage468' reference makes it appear as if it links to some useful information, but in actual fact the link sneakily redirects to the 'Broof Pirate' website which is a ridiculous website featuring a pirate who makes funny 'broof' noises.
To play the prank, just wait until one of your facebook friends posts a question asking for advice, and then post a reply providing an allegedly 'helpful' link. However, instead of posting a helpful link, you instead post the disguised link to the Broof Pirate.
Here are a few examples based on questions posed on my own facebook feed...