Friday, 19 October 2012

More signs from around the world

Or to provide a more accurate description…  'More signs, menus, t-shirts and ice creams from around the world'.

Following on from my previous post entitled, ‘Signs From Around The World,’ I’ve now collected together some more photos of signs from around the world. After much thought I decided to call this post, ‘More Signs From Around The World’.

1) Childish translations

Let’s start things off with a very childish photo of a sign in Mallorca Airport.

Childish sign at Mallorca Airport.

I think it was a restaurant, but after reading the sign I suddenly wasn’t very hungry.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Daft office pranks (part 1)

Childish tomfoolery around the office.

A prank involving the 'Auto Correct' feature found in Word.
I'm a big fan of funny pranks and tricks, and in fact devious tricks and deceptions feature in many of my books and short stories. Some of these fictional tricks takes place on a galactic scale, but other deceptions take place on a much smaller scale.

This week though, I'm going to highlight a real prank that I used to play when I worked in an office. It's a fairly straight forward prank which anyone with a basic level of proficiency in Microsoft Word will be able to play.

Anyway, one day a girl in the office had to leave her desk for a few moments, so I took quick advantage of her absence to set up the prank. For the purposes of the example I’ll call her Lisa, but that wasn’t her real name. (Her real name was Lesley). Anyway, while 'Lisa' was away I quickly went into Word on her PC and opened up the ‘Auto Correct’ feature (found in the ‘Tools’ tab).

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Author Quiz ... A new blog from Charles Fudgemuffin

Author Quiz featuring personalised interviews from indie authors.

Author Quiz: Personalised interviews from indie authors.
Update: Please note, I am no longer updating the Author Quiz blog. Previous interviews with authors are still available to read, but I am no longer accepting future submissions.

Over the last few months as I’ve explored the various websites and blogs on the web dedicated to helping authors promote their work, one thing I’ve felt would be a useful addition to the selection of promotional websites out there, but which I couldn’t seem to find, was a blog dedicated to providing interviews which authors can themselves personalise. After all, the person who knows an author's work best is generally the author themselves, so if you’re doing an interview then I think it makes sense to allow authors as much flexibility as possible on how best to introduce readers to their writing.

Anyway, spotting this gap in the blogosphere I decided to take things into my own hands and therefore recently launched a new blog called Author Quiz where I feature interviews which authors can personalise. Thankfully, so far it seems to have met with a positive response as several authors have submitted personalised interviews which I’ve featured on the blog. Interviews published so far have included authors from various genres including humour, paranormal, adventure, science fiction, mystery and romance, and I hope to feature authors from as varied a range of genres as possible.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Santa Claus, camper vans and Swedish girls

An analysis of some unusual Google searches.

When most people think of Google they probably think first and foremost of the Google search engine, then maybe after that they perhaps think of things like Google Earth and Gmail.

Searching for Santa on Google.
However, another cool gizmo which Google have is the Google Keywords Tool which is a fun way to pass the time if you ever have a spare half hour or so (especially if you’re easily amused like me). It’s actually designed to help potential Google advertisers find useful key phrases to advertise on, but I use it to discover and explore some of the weird phrases that people actually search for on Google.

For example, did you know that every month 91 people actually search for: