Saturday, 29 July 2023

Stating the obvious

Is water wet? Is the Pope Catholic?

Actually, scratch that. Nowadays the Pope is increasingly acting like he's not Catholic, so that was probably a bad choice of introduction. However, in the olden days if someone asked a question with a really obvious answer, then 'Is water wet?' or 'Is the Pope Catholic?' were appropriate responses.

If it isn't obvious by now, that was just a long-winded way of saying that this week's blog post features amusing examples of stating the obvious...

1) Plant based mashed potato

Here's an innovative product that the scientific boffins at Asda have cleverly managed to create ... plant based mashed potato!

Plant based mashed potato.
Was the 'plant based' really necessary?
Credit: Cursed Food

Personally, I much prefer plant based mashed potato over animal based mashed potato.

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Question of the day (part 2)

Curiosity leads to knowledge. That's why asking questions is important. And especially as our governments, the media and 'experts' strive harder to get us to blindly accept everything they tell us, it becomes more and more important to ask questions.

Who? When? Where? How? Why? What?
It's time for another 'question of the day'.
However, although there are many serious questions that should be asked, there's also a time and a place for being silly! This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog presents a mixture of the two with another batch of 'questions of the day', both serious and silly...


1) What's the best advice you ever received?


2) Would you like to learn how to avoid being scammed?
Just send £10,000 to P.O.Box 45, Newcastle Upon Tyne for further details!

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Geordie jokes

I often have blog posts celebrating weird national days, but one national day I've never previously mentioned on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog is National Geordie Day! Being a Geordie myself, this is perhaps an oversight on my part, but it's one I'm finally about to correct, as this weeks the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features a selection of Geordie jokes to celebrate National Geordie Day.

A meringue.
If you speak Geordie yourself then the following jokes will need no explanation. However, for the benefit of anyone who is unfamiliar with the Geordie dialect, I've also included an appendix providing translations of relevant Geordie words.

1) A Geordie walks into Greggs, points at the display and asks, "Is that a cake or a meringue?"

The baker replies, "No, you're right. It's a cake."

2) What do you call a Geordie girl who's learning to drive?

Saturday, 8 July 2023

Real words or fake? (part 3)

I often like to feature true or false quizzes on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, and something else that features frequently on the blog is words. In fact, every blog post I've ever published has included lots of words!

Strawberries get a thumbs up from me.
Not when they commit a robbery, though.
So this week, I've decided to combine the two, and feature a true or false quiz about words!

Take a look at the following words and try to work out whether they're real words, or whether they're fictitious made up creations...

1) Strobbery

A strobbery is a robbery committed by a strawberry.

True or false?

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Paradoxes (part 2)

It's time for another round up of paradoxes, and once again the paradoxical examples have a light-hearted theme...

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog takes
another light-hearted look at paradoxes.

1) The Hide And Seek Paradox

If you find the best hiding spot, you haven't found the best hiding spot.

2) The Failure Paradox

"If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?"
...Jerry Seinfeld