Saturday 13 May 2023

10 birthday jokes

This week sees the Charles Fudgemuffin blog celebrate it's 11th birthday! So to celebrate, this week's blog post features 10 birthday themed jokes.

Happy Birthday, Charles!
You may be thinking, "Wouldn't it have made more sense to celebrate a round number like your 10th birthday rather than your 11th birthday?" Well, yes. That's right. It would make more sense.

However, I forgot last year, so that's why I'm celebrating my blog's 11th birthday rather than its 10th birthday.

Anyway, enough of the introductory ramble. Here are the birthday jokes...

1) It seems that shops stock seasonal products earlier and earlier each year. Today, I saw a birthday card, but my birthday isn't until November! Utterly ridiculous!

Credit: @VizComic

2) My mate gave me a castle shaped like an abacus for my birthday.

It’s the fort that counts.

An 11th birthday cake, brought to you
thanks to the gift of photoshop trickery.
3) What happens when no one comes to your birthday party?

You can have your cake and eat it too!

4) "Knock. Knock."
"Who's there?"
"Abby who?"
"Abby birthday!"

5) I just got goosebumps.

I told some geese it was my birthday.

Someone's in for a birthday treat!
6) Patient: “Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake.”
Doctor: “Next time, take off the candles.”

7) My wife told me she wanted a spa day for her birthday.

I'll tell her it's pronounced 'spade' when I give it to her later.

8) A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age.

9) I walked into a bakery with a salmon under my arm and asked, "Do you sell fish cakes?"

A chest x-ray.
"No," the baker replied.

"That's a shame," I sighed. "It's his birthday."

10) My girlfriend works in a hospital, and every birthday she sends me an x-ray of her chest.

It sounds weird, but at least it shows her heart is in the right place.

I'll probably feature another round up of birthday jokes in nine years time to celebrate the Charles Fudgemuffin blog's 20th birthday (or in ten years time if I forget again), so if you want to read more birthday themed jokes, then check back again in nine years time!

Alternatively, you can check out the link below:
10 happy birthday messages

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