Saturday, 29 August 2020

10 pieces of silly advice

"I'm feeling silly!"
In the words of Ludwig Wittgenstein, 'If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.'

Personally, I think that's a really silly quote, which makes no sense at all. However, I'm in a silly mood, so I'm going to follow Ludwig's advice anyway!

So in the spirit of silliness, here are ten pieces of silly advice...

1) Advice for unsociable people...

If someone you don't like rings your doorbell, put your coat on before answering the door. Then you can tell them you were just going out and you won't have to invite them in!

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Things that come in twos (part 2)

As I've discussed before on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog, there are many things that come in twos, such as gloves, socks, tennis players, and for some people, faces.

Another thing that comes in twos is the number of bullets in the title of my latest short story ... Two Bullets!

So to promote my latest short story, this week's blog post takes a look at more things that come in twos...

Optician: "I've got the results of your eye test, and they're not good."
Patient: "Can I see them?"
Optician: "Probably not."

1) Eyes

Eyes come in twos, and so, on this occasion, do jokes about eyes...

i) I love jokes about the eyes.
The cornea the better!

ii) What should you do if your eyes are dry?

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Random thoughts (part 9)

This week the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features another selection of random thoughts covering such random subjects as electricity, middle names, and Photoshop.

But first, here's a worrying thought about washing up liquid...

Random thoughts.

1) Pro-Bacterial?

Persil washing up liquid is available in regular Persil and 'Persil Anti-Bacterial'.

What does that say about regular Persil? Does regular Persil allow bacteria to flourish?

2) The unnamed eel

What was the electric eel called before electricity was discovered?

Saturday, 8 August 2020

True or false: Weird national days (part 3)

It's time for another true or false quiz on national days!

There are national days to celebrate anything and everything, so this week's blog post features another true or false quiz on the subject of national days.

Sledging down a mountain backwards. Don't try this at home!

Editor's note: "Charles, unless the readers own a mountain,
I'm pretty sure they won't be able to try this 'at home'."
Charles: "Fair point."
Take a look at the following national days and see if you can work out which are real, and which are crazy ridiculous falsities made up by myself.

1) January 31st - National Backwards Day

To celebrate National Backwards Day, simply do everything backwards! Or sdrawkcab!

National Backwards Day - True or false?

Saturday, 1 August 2020

When tweets go wrong (part 2)

Social media can be a useful tool for sharing news and spreading information. It can also be a useful platform for media outlets to spread propaganda. However, as many celebrities, 'news' organisations and even regular people have discovered, on some occasions tweets can backfire on you.

All of which is just a long-winded way of saying that this week's blog post takes another look at when tweets go wrong.

1) Artistic masterpiece

Andrew Marr came in for ridicule when he tweeted an image of one of his drawings with the accompanying message, "I've been doing lockdown drawings and once this nightmare is over, I'd like to sell them to raise cash for NHS and care home charities."

"It's a masterpiece!"

Unsurprisingly, the response wasn't very positive...