Saturday, 27 January 2018

Silly questions asked by TV presenters

"Is your brother a boy or a girl?"
"He's a dog."
Previously on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog I've featured silly quiz show answers given by absent-minded contestants, but it's not just contestants who suffer from the occasional moment of brain freeze.

Here are a few quotes from TV shows where the hosts and presenters managed to out-stupid their guests.

1) Stating the obvious (part 1)

Presenter: "So do you have any brothers and sisters?"
Contestant: "A baby brother."
Presenter: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

2) When introducing a married couple...

"And you both met at the same place?"

Saturday, 20 January 2018

True or false: Real word or made up (part 2)

"Not to be used for bribing snollygosters."
It's time for another test of vocabulary as the Charles Fudgemuffin blog features another true or false quiz based on unusual words.  Some of the words are real, while others are completely made up.  See if you can guess which is which...

1) Snollygoster

A snollygoster is a shrewd unprincipled person motivated by personal gain.  For example, a politician who cares more about feathering their own nest than serving the people could be described as a snollygoster.

True or false?

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Vegetables and fruit that look like things

Just as the title says, here are some vegetables and fruit that look like things, featuring tomatoes, teddy bears, bananas lemons, ducks, potatoes, chickens, and gangsta carrots coming at ya' from the street.

1) Tomato man

To start things off, here's a twig man wearing tomatoes for shoes. By the looks of it he's just about to go for a run...

Credit: Reddit
"On your marks..."

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Silly nursery rhymes

Quite some time ago on the Charles Fudgemuffin blog I wrote about how some children's stories are inappropriately scary. This week I follow a similar theme as I take a look at some of the peculiarities found in nursery rhymes.

A cockle shell, as 'grown' by Mary in her garden.

1) Mary Mary

Let's start with Mary Mary....

"Mary Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row."

Now I'm not much of a horticulturist, but I'm pretty sure Mary's a big fat liar.

Her garden grows with 'silver bells' and 'cockle shells'?  Really?  You're growing bells and shells, Mary, are you?  And just how did you manage that?  Even more impressive, you're growing pretty maids?

If Mary was some sort of evil genetic scientist from a sci-fi horror story, then maybe, but as a gardener in a nursery rhyme, I'm sorry but I'm going to call Mary's claims a big fat lie.