Saturday 8 August 2015

Silly statuses

When links aren't quite what they seem...

A photo link from one of my recent silly statuses.
Anyone who follows me on facebook or twitter may have noticed that I'm often in a silly mood, so over the last few months I've been posting the occasional silly status.

Each of the following statuses makes a supposedly sensible claim, and is accompanied by a link providing further information. However, when you click the link you discover that although the original claims are true, they're nevertheless not always quite what you might expect...

1) First up is a status which will appeal to internet users looking for a foolproof method to get free wifi. However, it involves dubious methods ... or does it?

"A clever wifi hack that lets you use any password protected wifi connection:"

2) This next status involves a scientifically proven way to never get a hangover...

"Biological scientist claims to have discovered a way to never get a hangover:"

3) This next status is a bit silly, and most people can probably guess what's coming, but it appeals to my childish sense of nature...

"A clever trick to spot when dinosaurs in movies are fake:"

4) Anyone entering the dating game will be interested in this next status...

"A statistically proven way to dramatically increase your chances of attracting any girl or guy:"

A clever way to avoid hangovers.
5) Finally, proceed with caution before clicking this last link, as the message warns '18+'.

"Caution: 18+"

Anyone who enjoys silly jokes or who is prone to the occasional daft mood is free to post the above daft statuses on their own facebook or twitter accounts.

You can find all of the photo links from the above statuses at the blog In actual fact the blog has nothing to do with alcohol, and the name 'Never Drink Alcohol' was simply inspired by the theme of my first silly status.

I'm often in a daft mood, so I'll no doubt post more silly statuses on my facebook and twitter accounts, and if anyone has any other ideas for silly statusus then feel free to leave a suggestion below.

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