A few examples of how to prank people on social media.
As I've mentioned before on my blog I'm a big fan of
pranks, but the prank has to be good natured otherwise it ceases to be a funny prank and instead becomes a sly trick. So with that in mind, here's another batch or pranks (or sly tricks, depending on your point of view), but this time featuring pranks and tricks with a facebook and twitter theme...
1) My breath smells of farts!
Like this photo if you have camel breath. |
This first example is a funny trick you can play on facebook which will make your friends feel a bit embarrassed. First of all post a status which is happy news or a positive comment or basically something which is likely to get as many likes as possible from your friends.
Then once a load of friends have liked your status, edit your status to say something completely different, such as:
"Like this status if your breath smells of farts!"
then it will appear as if all the friends who liked your original comment
have clicked 'like' to indicate that their breath smells of farts.
If you don't want to post something childish like this on your own facebook page then you can also do the same trick by replying to someone else's status with a comment which is designed to get lots of likes, and then later editing your comment to something embarrassing.
Funny prank or sly trick?